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Photo Suzanne Evans
Suzanne Evans
Creator of  Heavenly Vibrations 
and the Elixirs of Light

"With compassion, wisdom and multi faceted abilities, she has
helped me tune in to deeper levels of awareness, releasing pain and
blockages and regaining energy, vitality, enthusiasm, clarity and confidence

My History:

As a Spiritual Energy Healer and Intuitive Metaphysical Teacher, with over twenty years in the healing field, I have experienced and worked with a vast range of energy healing modalities - colour and crystal healing, flower and crystal essences, reiki, ancient healing alchemy, aboriginal dream time healing, entity clearance, to name but a few.  Each served the purpose of expanding the range of “energy” tools and techniques available to assist my clients to deal with the situations experienced in their day-to-day life.

Energy healing and intuitive guidance flows as naturally from me as my own breathI have a complete fascination with energy and our mind and our thought processes and the impact that they have on our health and wellbeing… from the beginning, I recognized that there was nothing else in life that I was more passionate about than working in this field.

My journey has also been my teacher and I teach what I have had to learn to enable me to survive as a “sensitive being” here at this time. My approach is simplistic – clear away the rubbish and old beliefs and start living the life that you know – that you intuitive know you were destined to live:

"We have come to Experience
The truth of who We Are -
 Powerful, Enlightened Beings of Love
Embracing what "life" has to Offer
Allowing our innate Wisdom to Guide us
Connecting together as one race
 Human Beings!

Each one of us is unique in our own special way
and each person has a role to play
in the greater game of life.”

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